Looking Ahead: The Future of Modern Kitchens Toronto in 2020

Your kitchen is the heart of your home; it should be a warm, inviting space that you love. Kitchens have come a long way from vast spaces filled with countertops and cabinets to the modern, customized designs we have today. Current designs offer the perfect...

Why We Don’t Recommend Kitchen Renovations Under 10k

There is no denying the fact that the kitchen is the heart of your home because it brings everyone together It’s the place where everyone gathers to eat a tasty dinner, and where they talk about the day and perhaps, tell each other funny stories from work. This is one...

3 Renovations that Will Increase Your Property Value (and 5 to Avoid)

If you are considering a home renovation in the near future, it is a wise idea to choose projects that will add value to your house, apartment or condominium now or in the future. Even if you have no intention of selling anytime soon, why wouldn’t you want to choose a...

Why are the Costs of Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations Increasing?

Costs related to renovating kitchens and bathrooms rose significantly across North America in 2018. This upward trend of spending continues into 2019. Tariffs on imported building materials, including cabinetry, countertops, plumbing fixtures and vinyl flooring, from...

Which Kitchen Countertop Colour is the Best Fit for Your Kitchen?

Choosing the right colour for your countertop, one of the focal points of your kitchen, is an important decision. I am going to give you some information (and pros and cons) for six popular colour choices to help you get the look you want that is a good match for your...